Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's a New Year

I have a few goals for 2012, which I thought I would share as much to share them as to have a place with them written down, for me to look back on next year to see how far we have come.

Goals for both dogs:

Complete a 52 weeks photo project (more on this later)
Earn both dogs' CA titles (coursing ability, they each need one more Q to achieve it)

Koira's Goals:

Earn Koira's CGC
Earn Koira's Rally Novice title (or at least, give it a good try)
Try out AKC obedience with Koira
Earn Koira's FDCh-G title (Flyball Dog Champion Gold, which she needs just under 1000 points for)
Train Koira's flyball box turn to the point where it stays consistent and four feet, even without the jump board.
Do a Pinups With Pitbulls photo shoot and submit a photo for the calendar.

Pallo's Goals:

Train Pallo's attention while heeling to the point of entering rally novice

Get Pallo's flyball times back down to the 5.0-5.3's he did before the ball retraining, while having him still carry his ball the whole way back
Put together a Freestyle routine with Pallo

Make a dent in the 5,000 points needed to achieve the FMX title (Flyball Master Excellent)

Personal Goals:


Make a baby quilt for my friend who is due in March
Make up a stock of dog collars, and attend at least 2 craft fairs
Finish my Renaissance dress
Complete Pallo's new crate before our next show
Get back into felting
Make a cave-style dog bed for Koira (and hope she actually uses it)

Menu Planning:

Plan a menu every week, with shopping list
Make and freeze extras for ready-made meals

Other goals:

Go back and edit my NaNoWriMo work
Complete the Couch to 5k program
Renew my passport


  1. I didn't know you were so creative. You can sew? Very cool! These are all great goals. Good luck. :)

  2. I should write down my resolutions..but then you all would hold me accountable. :P

    Have you done the Couch to 5K before? My husband and I completed it this summer. It was a great challenge. I still don't like running but we completed it!

  3. Sounds like a great list of goals! I look forward to reading about Koira's box turn progress. I really need something to stick for Sophie in that department.

    Good luck with the Couch to 5K. When are you starting? I am aiming to start next week.
