There Pallo was, innocently sliding down the sand dunes on his belly on a holiday weekend afternoon.

Even eating a bit of sand, so he would have a Tasty Tuesday picture to share.

Though it didn't end up being very tasty sand. Bleh.

But what was peaking out from behind the rocks?

Wait, that can't be right. But then, it came a bit closer.

And Pallo abandoned his afternoon sand snack to investigate closer. After all, he isn't named Pallo the Viking for nothing!

"Wow, seriously Mom, do you see a huge ancient sailing ship too?" Pallo asked in wonder.

As the ship came closer, we saw that it was indeed an old-time sailing vessel. What was this? Were we catapulted back in time somehow?

When the ship sailed into the harbor, its guns firing with a loud BOOM and puffs of smoke coming from her canons, Pallo decided we had better hightail it back to our ship.

"I see her entering the harbor now! Battle stations!" Pallo yells.

Out flags were flying high and waving in the breeze.

And Pallo bravely manned the cannons to return fire.

"They're closing in on us fast! And blazing their guns as they come!"

"Maybe we'd be better off hiding back here in some rope, so they can't shoot us straight off the deck!"

But, though he was overcome by a moment of fear, Pallo bravely charged back on deck and to the station of the canon to return fire on the approaching enemy ship.

Pallo kept a firm grip on the canon, preparing to return fire.

"Umm.. Hey, Mom, can you show me how to use this canon thing? It doesn't seem like it's working."

But the enemy ship, intimidated by our mere presence in defending the harbor, took sail back out to sea, in fear of our fierce weapons.

"Don't worry guys, we defended the harbor and saved the day!"

And our faithful ship will live to sail and defend the harbor another day!

*No dogs, ships, harbors, canons, or humans were harmed in the writing of this post.