And, I've been told by my family that I have an unhealthy obsession with taking pictures of my dogs in the snow. But really, how else do you get good pictures of dogs other than taking a ton all in one session? I normally get a lot of blurry ones, many with the dog partially or fully out of the frame, and most of all, pictures of my dogs' butts.
Though some of the butt pictures are actually pretty nice.

Pallo has been getting better and better at staying still long enough for decent pictures, but remains difficult to get good, focused pictures of.

Koira for some reason has always been easy to get good pictures of. She even takes good pictures when moving. Though, perhaps, not always the most graceful pictures.

However, as always, Pallo managed to trump Koira in the totally not glamorous picture department

He is kind of a fun dog to take pictures of now though, because he is just so plain goofy, I always get a good laugh looking at them all afterwards

The dogs have had the zoomies for the past day and a half constantly now. We never get snow, and when we do, it is an inch, maybe two at the most. Deep snow is something I don't think my dogs have ever had a chance to run wild in.

Koira was zooming around, snuffling the snow, digging up toys that have been abandoned in the yard for days or weeks, since now, with the snow, they are exciting again. Her butt tucking zoomies last about as long as we stay outside and active, before she had to come in and thaw by the fire.

Pallo gives me this look every time I call him to head inside. He would rather stay out, so I get to get glimpses of him zooming past the windows, snow flailing behind him, as he runs like a crazy dog around.

Overall, I have to say we are enjoying our snow day.