Monday, October 12, 2020

Koira Martini Girl CGC MBDCh FMX CA TF RATI IRONDOG December 2007 - August 2020

Koira was happy and enjoying every minute of every day right up until the last. Hemangiosarcoma is a horrible disease, and we had to say goodbye abruptly, and well before I was ready.
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I don't really even know how to describe the hole that losing Koira has left in my heart and in my life.


  1. Ugh. My heart hurts so much even thinking about this. I cannot imagine how devastated you must be. She was incredible.

  2. I am so sorry. It is so hard when they leave us. I had a terrible time when Joey died. It is never easy but when he died, I didn't have any other dogs in the house and the house was so empty. I didn't feel like myself at all. Take care of yourself.

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