Monday, April 22, 2019

Koira Iron Dog

Koira earned her Iron Dog title (ten consecutive years racing NAFA flyball) this past fall. At the most recent tournament, we were awarded her official title plaque.

Koira Iron Dog-0399-1

My awesome friend had her photo studio set up at a dog show, and let me use her set up to get these awesome photos of Koira with her plaque before we tore down at the end of the weekend. I don't normally shoot with flash, but Koira didn't seem to mind much.

Koira Iron Dog-0401-1

This is the first plaque any of my dogs have earned in any sport, and for it to be Koira's Iron Dog means so much. I'm hopeful that Ptera will be earning a plaque-worthy title this year as well, but I don't know that it could possibly mean as much as this one.

1 comment:

  1. Koira, congratulations on winning the Iron Dod Title. We just love the photos of your posing with your award. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
    World of Animals
